Did you ever hear a song everyday on the way to work and then again on the way back home? You find yourself humming it at your desk and turning up the volume and singing loudly in your car where no one can complain about the earsplitting level of volume or your style of singing (as in ‘ain’t got no’ style). You’re hooked on this song because the universe plays it for you twice a day and if you surf quickly enough, you can hear it even more (just ignore the fact that the same company owns all the radio stations in your area with the same play lists and commercials). You might even, after years of not, consider going out and buying a CD or downloading it. Deejays no longer tell listeners the title or artist of the song they just played, (young people apparently know by osmosis or maybe it’s those ear buds which if you really think about it as a product name sounds like some alien implant which is what they do with … sorry … got off track) so you type the lyrics into Google, find the artist, go to YouTube and find the video and … wait … what the hell …
The singer doesn’t look like anything you could ever imagine even after a long night of drinking (although he looks like he does that on a regular bases) and the video is nowhere near what you have been picturing in your head. You’ve been seeing fields with butterflies flapping around wildflowers or a big tall mountain complete with tinkling spring tinkling (yes I know, but two tinkles are better than one) over mossy rocks but this guy is walking through a junkyard filled with … well, junk cars and half-naked babes dancing around really rusty metal. (Hint: You’re getting old when you worry about the health and safe working conditions of the half-naked babes.)
That’s how it goes with book blurbs and the cover art. Unless you’re looking for a specific author, you’re scanning the shelves in the bookstore with your reader/shopper radar on. (Why do grocery stores turn their books face out and the big bookstores show you the spine? Because when you’re in the bookstore you’re shopping for a book and when you’re in the grocery store you’re goofing off instead of fighting the little old ladies over after the last pack of steak that’s on sale.) Publishers know this, having attended many extensive marketing courses and design the outside of the product (the book) to catch your attention.
The Blurbs
I have a confession. I hate writing blurbs (and the synopsis, but that’s a different problem) but it’s all part of the writing business. I’ve had entire novels not rejected by publishers but had to write the blurb three times before they accepted it. Mine either sound like a short outline: Couple meets, has adventures, has sex (a lot), solves mystery or they come out sounding like Internet porn sites: An erotic exciting romp through the secret world of espionage as our world tripping couple find themselves in bed with the bad guys. See what I mean? I wouldn’t buy either of those books (except maybe to see why the heroes are in bed with the villains) and I hate to admit it but the word ‘romp’ does appear in one of my real blurbs, but only one (learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them). Book blurbs (I think that should be spelled ‘burps’) are like movie trailers. You never really know until you sample the product (and don’t ever forget, to the publisher, your book is their product they’re trying to sell.)
How many times have you stood in the grocery store blocking the aisle with your full-size cart that has three items in it (one of which is hair dye), reading the blurb front cover to continued-on-the-back cover and thought you had found a great novel only to get it home and discovered you couldn’t get past page twenty. (Okay it’s true; I never stop reading a book once I’ve started it in hopes that it has to get better. Bad movies I just turn off and send them back to Netflix.) And how many times have you read the blurb and still have no idea what the book is about only to find you’ve dug out (of the sales pile) a hidden gem you’ll read over and over.
Yes, I have books I reread every year (when I should be writing) such as ‘The Complete Sherlock Holmes’ and Barbara Michael’s (aka Barbara Mertz, Elizabeth Peters. See, Ma? I’m not the only one with lots of names.) ‘Ammie … Come Home’ which is the book that made me want to become a writer. The movie wasn’t bad either. Or I read ‘Maynard’s House’ by Herman Raucher which is my favorite rainy-Sunday-there’s-nothing-on-television book. Imagine trying to carry a storyline with basically one character through an entire novel who may or may not be seeing ghosts and witches. (Hint: Rereading is a talent you want to practice because by the time you get done editing your own manuscript you will have read it so many times even the sex scenes will seem dull. And wait until the editor edits the part you just edited on their suggestion.)
Maybe there are writers out there whose careers consist of writing blurbs. Maybe bad writers write great blurbs and great writers write terrible ones which might be a new standard for choosing which book to buy in the grocery store. (Steak is bad for you anyway and you can’t afford it if you buy a book. Eat or read, the great dilemma of the week between paychecks.) My books will be the ones with the really short blurbs because I couldn’t think of thing to write in them.
Apparently, that’s all I have to say about blurbs so I will add cover art to this chapter as it is what the blurbs are printed on and this chapter isn’t long enough..
Cover Art
Walk into any bookstore and start down the paperback aisle of any genre. It’s like being a kid in a candy store. (Yes, I know that’s a cliché but I started with food analogies and I’m damn well going to finish with them. Besides, I’m hungry which is why all the food references.) Covers with eye-catching bright jellybean colors or pictures of marshmallow fluff snow covered places you want to find yourself at with a cup of latté and a cigarette (no smoking in the candy or any store) wink back at you from the shelves. Chocolate-eyed nymphs in modern clothes chase taffy-muscled … (wait, that one really didn’t work) … chase rock-candy-hard-muscled gods across fields of lime-green sherbet grass.
Okay, enough of that. Next time you’re in the book section pretend (use that imagination) that you’re in an art gallery. Paintings, abstracts, photographs (color and black and white), see-though to the next page, fold out origami, four covers together make a picture … anything goes in cover art as long as it attracts the buyer (you) enough to make you walk over, pick up the book and read the blurb. (Hint: See the above section of this chapter but if you got here by skipping it then you don’t know what I’m talking about anyway.) I personally like the ones with the dark and mysterious line or charcoal drawings. I hate it when one book comes out with different covers. I end up buying the same book I’ve all ready bought. Thankfully, cover art is not something the writer has a lot to do with. (Unless like me, you publish your own eBooks then you have an excuse to spend hours upon hours searching public domain websites for artwork.)
Most publishers will ask you to make suggestions to the cover designer but you have to remember, the artist has never read your book which is sort of like drawing the suspect when you weren’t at the scene of the crime. If you propose a wall with a street sign on it, think about how many kinds of walls and different types of street signs there are. So just like that music video did not match the fantasy you see, your book cover is not going to look the way you imagined it. Some will be better and some will be much worse, but it will never match the picture in your head unless you go to art school and who has time for that.
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